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The MKS BASE-L is a feature rich all-in-one electronics solution for Reprap and other CNC devices. It features an onboard ATmega2560 SoC. Its five motor outputs are powered by HR4982 stepper drivers. The board can use the same firmware as Ramps1.4. MKS BASE-L is designed to be flexible in the user's power source availability, allowing any power supply from 12V to 24V.

MKS BASE-L is suitable for 3D printer manufacturers on batch production, and being used as main control board. Relative to the Ramps1.4, it adds E1 heating output which can also be used for independent Z motors and additional fans.

MKS BASE-L  is  suitable for dual-Extruder machine.

Comparison with MKS BASE

  1. Uses CH340 USB to Serial converter instead of FT232
  2. Uses MXT2596 DC to DC converter
  3. Uses integrated HR4982 stepper drivers


  • Arduino MEGA compatible Atmega2560 processor compatible with all RAMPS class firmware
  • Firmware can use the same configuration as Ramps1.4
  • Connectors for RepRap Discount Smart Controller LCD display and off-board SD-Card slot
  • Connector for TFT display - easily connect MKS TFT on AUX-1
  • 3 temperature ADC connectors for thermistors
  • 5 stepper motor drivers with HR4982
  • 4 PWM capable power mosfet outputs with voltage selector  - Bed / Extruder0 / Extruder1 or Fan1 / Fan0
  • 6 end stop connectors with power output - Xmin / Xmax / Ymin / Ymax / Zmin / Zmax
  • 4 layers PCB to optimize heat dissipation
  • Recoverable fuse for short-circuit protection

Please visit Github to download the firmware at

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  • Brand: Makerbase
  • Product Code: MKSBASELV2.1
  • Availability: In Stock
  • US$26.00